Wish from Jennifer Kelly
under review
Daniel Ahmadizadeh
under review
Thanks for the suggestion, Jennifer! What is your current work around?
Daniel Ahmadizadeh
Thanks for the suggestion, Jennifer! What is your current work around?
Jennifer Kelly
Daniel Ahmadizadeh: Hi Daniel, I currently do not have a workaround. I tried to copy and paste a small section from Britt's old campaign, and that seemed to cause a glitch, which hasn't gone away (snip of glitch below). Even though all the prospects are in my name, when they are added to a campaign, the ownership changes out of my name and into Chris's name.
Daniel Ahmadizadeh
Jennifer Kelly: Thanks for the feedback! This is super helpful. Any chance we can do a call so I can share a solution with you and see what you think? Here is a link to my calendly if you have some time next week: https://calendly.com/danielahmadizadeh/15min?back=1&month=2020-03
Jennifer Kelly
Daniel Ahmadizadeh: Thanks so much, Daniel! I'm always down for a call. I've just locked down a spot for next week. Thanks for being so responsive and helpful!