Add open-based triggers
Bruno Monteiro
Bruno Monteiro
Hello, everyone. We are pleased to inform that now you can add a prospect to a campaign if the prospect opened emails X amount of times. That way, you can create a follow up campaign that will send emails when a prospect opens emails.
In order to use the new feature, you need to:
1) Go to "Settings and Billing" -> "Company Settings" -> "Triggers"
2) Scroll down to "Campaign Triggers"
3) Click "Add New Trigger"
4) Choose "When prospect opens any email in any campaign" under Condition
5) Choose the amount of emails
6) Choose campaign that you want to add the prospect to
7) Save
Grant Robb
I love the idea of this feature. I hope you can add it soon!
Daniel Ahmadizadeh
under review
Looking into this feature. Can you share what impact this would have for your workflow?
Federico Mejía-Posada
Daniel Ahmadizadeh: Daniel, this is somehow similar to what I've suggested you in previous emails. This would "save" emails for the correct ocassion and have subtle differences in content in the emails, allowing you to reach more people effectively and correctly understanding more about your templates.